
Friday, November 4, 2011


Thrush. I hate that word! It is almost as bad as the word moist and steamy! When you use those words with certain other words it makes them totally gross!
So Naomi got thrush. She was smiling with her mouth wide open and I noticed white splotchies on her tongue. I immediately called her ped. and they I got in the next day. Thrush is a yeast infection in the mouth. It doesn't bother the baby unless it doesn't get treated right away. If you ever look up thrush on google they post super bad pictures of babies with thrush. It will only get that way if you let it go too long without treatment. Naomi's never got bad which I am SO glad about. It was more painful on me then her. The first couple weeks it was very painful to nurse and pump! They gave me Nystatin for Naomi's mouth. It took a month and a half to clear the thrush (a lot slower then if I were to use Gentain Violet) But with Nystatin it does not go into the babies blood stream. It just comes right out! I liked that about it. Naomi was such a trooper having to take the medicine 3 to 4 times a day. I also cleaned her toys and my nursing pads like crazy. When the thrush finally started going away she got a yeast rash on her bum. I got it to clear up with a water/vinegar solution I would put on her bum and let her air dry after every diaper change. I also let her play with out a diaper as long as possible. It did cause many messes but it was good for her bum and she loves to play naked. I never thought I would have to worry about someone elses bottom!

Naomi has been on 2 hikes so far and has done amazing! She loves to people watch and to look at the scenery. Don't be afraid to get out and do fun stuff with your baby. Sure they will cry and poop but that is what babies do! You don't to be stuck inside forever and get depressed! Take them out and show them what you enjoy! They just might enjoy it too!

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